NigeÂria Customs Services (NCS) has dismissed 29 senior officÂers for various acts of gross misÂconduct in a major shakeup.
Only last week, 17 junior ofÂficers were fired from service for offences ranging from bribery, drug addiction, use of fake cerÂtificates and absence from duty.The dismissed officers are among 44 senior officers who were punished for actions capaÂble of compromising the nation’s economy and security.Ten other officers were reÂtired from Service while the apÂpointment of one was terminated.Also, four officers were warned to be of better conduct while another four who were inÂvestigated and tried for some ofÂfences were exonerated.Four of the officers who got the hammer were of the rank of Deputy Comptroller of Customs while five were Assistant CompÂtrollers. Others were seven Chief Superintendents of Customs and four Superintendents, among others.In a statement on Thursday by the Deputy Comptroller/PubÂlic Relations Officer of the NCS, Wale Adeniyi, he said the CompÂtroller-General of Customs, Col. Hammed Ali (rtd) had made it clear upon assumption of duties that the Service will not comproÂmise on corruption and indisciÂpline among the officers’ corps.In line with this, he stated that the structure and process for investigation of offences was strengthened to handle cases reÂported promptly and professionÂally.Discover more from NewsBreakers
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