Foreign News

More than 100 Pastors Show Appreciation to Donald Trump for Championing Religious Freedom

More than 100 pastors praised President Trump

Over 100 Ohio pastors praised President Donald Trump for championing religious freedom and the rights of unborn babies in an open letter Thursday.

Front Lines Ohio reports the pastors released the letter ahead of the first presidential debate, scheduled for next week in Ohio.

“The Bible says to commend those who do right,” said Bishop Sylvester Ginn of Ontario, Ohio. “As clergy across different denominational lines, we believe the president’s policies highlighted in our letter match our values on issues of faith, family and freedom.”

Representing multiple denominations and ethnicities, the pastors expressed gratitude to Trump for 20 important achievements during his administration, including speaking at the March for Life and defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion chain.

Ginn said Trump’s actions for life and religious liberty in the past four years show courage and strength.

“When a person votes, you cannot go by a man’s personality, you have to go by his policies,” he said. “This may be unpopular, but in this world it always takes courage to do the right thing.”

Among other things, the pastors thanked Trump for defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion chain through the Mexico City policy and Title X. Through the two separate policies, Planned Parenthood was defunded of approximately $160 million U.S. tax dollars.

They also highlighted how Trump was the first sitting president to speak at the March for Life.

The pastors called on Christians to vote in November and consider the positions of the two parties and their candidates.

“We should never take this president for granted; this could be the last vote we ever cast,” said Pastor J.C. Church of Bucyrus, Ohio. “My point: in this election we have one political party that believes a nine-month old baby can be tossed aside after a botched abortion.

Since they have no problem tossing babies aside, they will have no problem tossing your vote aside. The magnitude of this election is sobering if this group gains power.”

In their letter, the pastors also thanked Trump for expanding conscience protections for pro-life medical workers and implementing new measures to stop taxpayer funding to research that uses aborted baby body parts.

“We encourage you to stay the course,” they wrote. “We continue to pray for your continued safety and wisdom in governing our nation. May God bless America, and more importantly, may America bless God.”

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