Nigerians put aside their political differences and took to twitter, on Friday, to celebrate the life of former President Goodluck Jonathan as he clocks 58 today.The hashtag #HappyBirthdayGEJ trended on Twitter all day.Among the tweets spotted are:@Omojuwa #HappyBirthdayGEJ and the first minority president, the best among the worst corrupted president in my mother land nigeria.”@toksieoni To the man that immortalised corruption. #HappyBirthdayGEJ@Omojuwa #HappyBirthdayGEJ : He is still our former President. He tried his bit.”@HarryBanigo I would like to use this opportunity to wish our past president a happy birthday. #HappyBirthdayGEJ”@TaiwoTobo Thank you GEJ for giving Us a Peaceful Nigeria against all odds #HappyBirthdayGEJ@Ezdchick Happy Birthday GEJ. May God bless you today and always!! #HappyBirthdayGEJ@Speakibibio Abasi aya no fi ayong uwen…#happybirthdayGEJ”@Lord_Savio Nigeria is a nation of resilient people. We will never yield to the forces of darkness. Nigeria will never disintegrate #HappyBirthdayGEJ
@toksieoni history will remember him for seeing nothing and doing and allowing looters to loot. #HappyBirthdayGEJ
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