Let the rains of My presence fall on you now. My light rain has begun to fall, but the heavy rain is on its way!
Every dry place is being touched! I’m coming in! I’m coming in to touch your life! How much do you want? How big is your cup today?
I will not stop the rain until you say ‘when’! Don’t rush the rain. Don’t rush your moment with Me. Don’t rush through a divine opportunity,” says the Lord.
When God brings a refreshing of His presence, you’ll want to take every drop! In the divine season we are facing, a light rain has begun to fall upon the body of Christ; but a heavy rain is coming that we have never known or experienced.
Many are tired, worn out, have lost their strength and can’t take another step. But for the battle-weary, Acts 3:19 reads,
“Therefore repent and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”
Lord God, we repent corporately before you for the sins of a nation, and the sins of the church, for we have not always gotten it right, or handled everything correctly.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with Your willing spirit” (Ps. 51:10-12).
Restore God to your people everything they have lost, especially this year—through great trials will come great triumphs.
In His presence, when you are weak, God’s strength can come through to you! When you didn’t think you can take another step—but God!
He will come through for you today. He is restoring your strength!
You came to your last step; you said, “God, I can’t take another step, I am done! I am undone. I am wrecked. I am broken.” It was the very place He needed you to get to.
I pray this word would go as far as the Spirit would carry it, because we are one body, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father over all—all peoples, all nationalities, all tongues from every nation and every tribe.
I pray the sound of the Lord would resound in every state of these “United” States of America.
Isaiah 59:19b declares, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”
“The enemy has tried to come in and divide this nation at every level—but God! Like a flood, I am raising up a standard in this nation, a righteous standard, for it is My standard,” says the Lord.
“Like a flood, I am raising up a standard again in this nation, for the Word of God is the standard!”
Every word from Genesis to Revelation is still true, and it still lives! It is the living Word of God! God cannot be separated from His Word. He is the Word. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The disciples beheld His beauty. Thomas stuck his finger in His side. The earth shook and the ground trembled on the day of Golgatha.
Jesus said, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). In a divine moment, God is raising up His righteous standard again in the U.S., for His Word still lives!
On the third day, the grave could not hold Him. The tomb is still empty. They found no body. He rolled away a stone over 2,000 years ago and He is still rolling away stones today: every obstacle that would keep a resurrected Christ out of our culture.
God is bringing a flood of His presence to the world! His ‘rain’ will begin to fall upon His burning altars of worship. He’s looking for the worshiper; not necessarily the teacher, preacher, prophet, apostle or the evangelist. He is looking for the worshiper: those that worship in spirit and in truth!
“Yet the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. For the Father seeks such to worship Him” (John 4:23).
For the truth shall set you free! His Spirit of truth wrote the bible, using many authors, 66 books, over 1,500 years, but is one Word completely united cover to cover. God is raising up a vast army under the banner of His love. Above all else, God is love. And through His love, He will proclaim His truth in its entirety.
Jesus is the fullness and completion of this book. As He left this earth, He said “I go away to prepare a place for you; but I must go so that My holy comforter may come.”
He could only be in one place at any one time; but God! God had a plan put in place. Elohim, meaning the living three-in-one God in all His fullness, spoke in Genesis 3:15, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring” so He could pour out His Spirit upon all people.
God is looking for a place to pour out His Spirit of truth in this time!
If you say, “No God. I’ve had enough. I don’t believe that your Spirit is still for today, or that Pentecost is still for today.
I don’t believe in all the gifts. Stay there God; I only want this much of you. Only this much of you makes sense,” He will not barge in.
God is looking for the worshipper, in spirit and in truth, in a 50/50 balance! You can’t have one without the other.
You cannot have truth without His Spirit and vice versa. His Holy Spirit wrote the bible—66 books, all coming together as one! It is a mystery wrapped in a mystery.
If you only comprehend with your carnal mind, put God in a box or to wait for all your “t’s” to be crossed and all the “i’s” to be dotted, waiting for the day that you figure God out, you will never find Him.
He’s looking for the worshiper with childlike faith who will say Lord, if it’s you, I want all of you!
The Lord will be pouring out and showing off in this time! Coming into the latter half of 2020 and beyond, God will be showing Himself, manifesting the truth of His Word through those who will just believe with childlike faith, not trying to figure Him out, or putting Him in boxes; for God is breaking all the man-made boxes of religion—every shape, every color and form.
He is bringing a mighty sledgehammer to break every big box and every little box, wrecking them into a million pieces!
God is looking for someone in the earth right now who will be broken for what breaks Him.
Those who desire revival and awakening, must be the altar of incense and worship and say, “God, let your fire fall on me. Let your fire burn up in me all that should not belong.
Teach us Your ways and deliver us oh, God. Break us for what breaks You!”
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise” (Ps. 51:17)
God is looking for an army of volunteers with all humility and brokenness who will be broken for what breaks Him, an army of ‘Mary’ worshippers who will break open their alabaster boxes at the feet of Jesus. You are the box!
You are the ‘Marys’ who will worship at His feet, before you will serve Him at His table. He is looking for the worshiper. Even now, hear the Word of the Lord; to him who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying.
Receive this word:
“My fire is falling upon My burning altars of worship. As you allow yourself to be broken for what breaks Me, My fire will be ignited upon your alabaster boxes.
This oil that you’re pouring out on My feet, I will ignite with such zeal and passion for Me that you’ll burn with a mighty flame and set your nations on fire—millions broken and set ablaze for God’s glory.
And as each fire begins to burn, the nations will ignite into a mighty forest fire! Prepare for My fire! What the enemy has meant for harm, like a flood I am raising up a righteous standard again!
And I will put out the enemy’s fires, and bring a flood of My waters mixed with fire—fire on water—it will be a flood of My presence, of My rain; but there will be fires dancing on the waters. In the natural, those two things don’t mix, but in the supernatural it’s the very life of the Holy Spirit mixed with the fire of God beginning to dance on the waters!
It will be the dance of passion again—the dance of love; for I am bringing My bride back to true intimacy! It will be the romance dance of heaven; I will set you on fire with Me.
And as these fires begin to dance—it’s a white flame of His holy presence and purity, then changing still into the blueness and fullness of heaven. This will begin to invade the earth in this next new season with God,” says the Lord God Almighty.
Source: Vicki, David Lebo
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