A Pandemic Riddle of Scientified Witchcraft
In Western literature, witches usually traveled by soundless ‘broom-copters’ or straight ‘broom-cycles’ wearing dark tapering ‘crash helmets,’ their legs astride the saddle of their broom-shafts as they rode through astral space.
In traditional Africa, those were cumbersome contraptions. Witches simply took off, riding the winds. In that continent, it is no pride to be openly identified with witchcraft, so witches would usually fly at night.
Defiantly Noble
In the West, witchcraft is defiantly noble, even studied in the university. Witches proudly identify themselves so, and would publicly advertise for clients and initiates.
In traditional Africa, people do not generally need a dictionary to be able to define witchcraft. Witches are known (or presumed) by their fruits, or their supposed fruits – fruits that differ in colour, shape, and size, but fruits characterized by their common unpleasant taste.
If anyone stood in the way of another’s welfare, that was a witch – or wizard. If someone was alleged to have caused another’s death or misfortune, there was no question about their witchcraft.
War Game
If someone boasted that they would ‘deal’ with you, and something thereafter went wrong, a forensic examination was unnecessary to determine the witch. Their threat was the ‘war game’ in which they warned that they were coming for you.
The witch needn’t have been caught on Halloween day in dark Dracula costumes and protuberant vampirish canular dentures. Even if their nocturnal gory mouth had been wiped clean on the carcass of the slain whose smiling messiahs they would pose to be, by their fruits they were still known – or presumed to have been known.
Your pain, their Gain
By traditional definition, the witch, for example, would be someone who was glad to see you never married, never healthy, never happy. Your pain was their pleasure.
If you got married, they conjured so that you never got a child, no matter how much you tried. If there was pregnancy ‘by mistake,’ they contrived repeated abortions.
If you should be so smart by ‘higher powers’ to have children, they cast spells to control and destroy those tender souls. Witches were sustained by the misery they caused others. They lived off the death they brought upon everyone else. By their fruits…
A witch who killed a person or two in Africa was a bad witch. If by voodoo they ‘tied’ (down) the business of someone and caused a crash from plenty to poverty, that was awfully bad witchcraft.
A Scientified version of witchcraftIf they caused abortions and the death of family members, they were wicked witches. However, this third world witchcraft is nothing compared to the scientified version coming out of Europe, North America, and Asia.
In those civilized worlds, it is not witchcraft but ‘population control’ if someone, aided by science, contrived mass deaths and misery. There, it is also ‘recession’ when an exclusive cult schemes the ruin of others’ livelihood while it grows fatter on the sweat and blood of the deprived.
In Africa, one would be ashamed (if not afraid) to be publicly identified with such pandemic dark science and schemes. It seems the thing is called by different names in different climes. To one it is a civil pet, to the others a horrendous taboo.
Light is life and joy. Darkness is fear and death. In Africa, when community cults would roam to perform their nocturnal rituals, they imposed a lockdown, usually overnight. Non-initiates stayed in.
In the new age, there are untiring drumbeats of fear in complicit airwaves threatening rituals of repeated lockdowns as they approach their altar. It is called ‘protocols,’ not another name. The fear is palpable. The darkness has been long. Everyone is anxious for Light.
Genetically Modified Organisms
Africans understand that food could be spiked with voodoo to ruin the eater and their generations. Sometimes, whole families have suffered from ‘magically modified meals’ (MMM). Western witchcraft has scientified that as GMO’s (genetically modified organisms).
New grains are being grown that could make the eaters sterile or sick for generations – like traditional witches would do in Africa. Different paths to the same grove. The sponsors are scientists and humanist philanthropists, not witches, although they promise a bigger holocaust than African witchcraft would dare.
In Africa, if someone got rich by trading in the souls and misfortunes of others, they were feared as paramount witches and wizards. Normal people usually avoided their poisoned gifts.
In the civilized continents, those are hailed. Their dollars are grants irrigating the bloated bellied of impoverished initiates installed as the new slave masters of their own race.
It is alleged by some experts, and vehemently denied by the opposite experts, that Bill Gates’ polio vaccines between 2000 and 2017 paralysed about 496,000 in India; that many young girls became barren from those medications.
Multiple counter opinions deny the allegations (https://thelogicalindian.com/fact-check/bill-gates-polio-vaccine-covid-19-gates-foundation-21270).
Similar allegations have been raised against those medical interventions in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, Angola, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/nov/28/polio-outbreaks-in-four-african-countries-caused-by-mutation-of-strain-in-vaccine).
It is further claimed that the World Health Organization (WHO), of which Bill Gates is the second largest funder, in 1993, conducted vaccinations in Kenya that resulted in “abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated” (https://www.oalib.com/articles/5290033#.X4IhJ-0o82w).
The Kenya parliament was very vocal about this. A batch of respondents have however robustly dismissed those allegations as ‘bogus claims’ and ‘conspiracy theories’ against the global philanthropist.
The proponents are a muffled few remnants on the net. The owners of the blackboard have chosen what to erase and what should remain online.
I was taught in school that medicine was meant to save lives and prolong days. I am being taught at older age that my earlier teachers were wrong.
Medicine would kill, not save lives; medicine should reduce population, not make people live longer and happier. In Africa, they would call such donors and doctors witches and wizards who conjure death and destruction over life and prosperity, who work so hard to kill others while they are careful to stay alive.
Oh, that these new saviours of the world and their patrons, whom none dares call witches, would show by example the beauty of their creed by voluntarily ‘reducing’ themselves (rather than vulnerable poorer folks) from the earth’s increasing population – and so grant the world the peace of which they are so concerned.
Intercontinental Game
In Africa, it is generally alleged of witches that they aid a few abortions, cause deaths, ruin businesses, cause poverty and pain, inflict sicknesses, serve poisoned food. On the other side of the ocean, nobody dares call similar practitioners by such witchy ‘hate-speech’ names.
Abortion on a genocidal scale is legislated by concerned covens of expert doctors and politicians, death is an intercontinental game of chess, invisible viruses are blamed for millions rendered jobless and poor. Unlike in Africa, witchcraft there seems refined as a practice of science, on a scale crude Africa had never dared.
People are quick to call others names, especially when they are pained. In Africa, disasters don’t usually happen by accident. Witches are often to blame, particularly when a death is sudden and sad.
Sometimes you cannot blame their pain. Recently, it was alleged that because Melinda Gates, the wife of Bill Gates, during a television interview, had worn a necklace with an inverted cross pendant, which is believed to be a Luciferian symbol, she belonged to the dark civilisation.
She was fervently called a Satanist, identified with pagans, witchcraft, warlocks, and New Agers (https://ofthestory.wordpress.com/2020/05/12/new-world-order-acolyte-melinda-gates-appears-on-today-show-pushing-hard-for-a-global-vaccine-while-wearing-an-upside-down-cross/).
Conspiracy theorists at work
A few voices mercifully rushed to her rescue, even crosschecking with the Church of Satan which is quoted to have responded that “an upside-down or inverted cross is not an official symbol of loyalty” (emphasis added).
One of the Gates advocates argued lucidly that “the famous philanthropist” had not “sold her ‘soul to the devil’” as alleged, but had merely been the victim of conspiracy theorists and “misinformation campaigns” (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/melinda-gates-upside-down-cross/).
Her voice has not been heard on the matter – at least as at the last time I checked and where I did – but both sides have been vehement in their claims, although not as many of the proposing voices in the debate might still be found online.
The owners of the blackboard often choose what to erase and what should remain.
I wish these had spared everyone the storm and taken their case to the courts in Africa where people do not usually need a dictionary to define the witch, but insist that they know them by their bloody Mephistophelian fruits, by the ravaged homesteads in their Luciferian trail, and by their crystal altars of desecrated wombs and eviscerated fetuses.
I wish they took their case where lightless nocturnal flights have been stunned by elusive broomless messiahs who wipe clean their goblets of blood with the tissues of those they are saving, where the common courts do not care so much about the fineries between Satanists and warlocks and New Agers and the Illuminati, but class them naïvely in the same vampirish gang as ‘witches,’ insisting that they ‘know’ them all by their fruits…
Source: The Preacher’s diary
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