Today in History

70CEMay 31Rome captured the 1st wall of the city of Jerusalem.
455May 31Petronius Maximus, senator, Emperor of Rome, was lynched.
1433May 31Sigismund was crowned emperor of Rome.
1469May 31Manuel I, king of Portugal (1495-1521), was born.
1531May 31“Women’s Revolt” in Amsterdam: wool house in churchyard.
1594May 31Jacopo Tintoretto (b.1518), Italian artist, died.
1621May 31Sir Francis Bacon was thrown into Tower of London for overnight.
1634May 31Massachusetts Bay colony annexed the Maine colony.
1665May 31Jerusalem’s rabbi Sjabtai Tswi proclaimed himself Messiah.
1678May 31The Godiva procession, commemorating Lady Godiva’s legendary ride while naked, became part of the Coventry Fair.
1701May 31Alexander Cruden, compiler of a concordance to King James Bible, was born.
1753May 31Pierre V. Vergniaud, French politician, Girondin orator (guillotined in 1793), was born.
1790May 31The US copyright law was enacted.
1809May 31Composer Franz Joseph Haydn died in Vienna, Austria on his 77th birthday. When Napoleon’s armies marched into Vienna, the commanding general posted guards in front of Haydn’s house to protect Haydn from trouble, and a young officer was sent to sing for the old man.
1831May 31Captain John Ross, English explorer, identified the magnetic north pole on the west coast of the Boothia Peninsula, Netsilik territory.
1832May 31Evariste Galois (b.1811), French mathematician who developed a general theory of equations, died from wounds suffered in a duel. In 2005 Mario Livio authored “The Equation That couldn’t Be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry.”
1836May 31HMS Beagle anchored in Simons Bay, Cape of Good Hope.
1837May 31Astor Hotel opened in NYC. It later became the Waldorf-Astoria. John Jacob Astor bought up foreclosed properties during the financial bust. He later sold them for a 10-fold profit.
1854May 31Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by U.S. Congress.
1861May 31Gen. PGT Beauregard was given command of Confederate Alexandria Line.
1862May 31At the Battle of Fair Oaks, also known as the Battle of Seven Pines, Gen. McClellan defeated the Confederates outside of Richmond. Confederate Gen. Joe Johnston was injured and evacuated to Richmond. Maj. Gen. G.W. Smith took temporary command.
1868May 31The 1st Memorial Day parade was held in Ironton, Ohio.
1875May 31Italo Montemezzi, composer, was born.
1879May 31New York’s Madison Square Garden opened its doors.
1892May 31Gregor Strasser, German pharmacist, NSDAP-Reich organization founder, was born.
1894May 31Fred Allen [John Florence Sullivan], American comedian, was born.
1898May 31Norman Vincent Peale (d1993), American religious leader, was born in Ohio. He later authored “The Power of Positive Thinking.”
1900May 31U.S. troops arrived in Peking to help put down Boxer Rebellion.
1906May 31France and Germany signed an accord in which France agreed to yield control of the Moroccan police, but otherwise retained effective control of Moroccan political and financial affairs.
1907May 31Taxis began running in NYC.
1908May 31Actor Don Ameche was born in Kenosha, Wis.
1909May 31The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) held its first conference at the United Charities Building in NYC.
1910May 31Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell (b.1821), the first American woman to become a doctor, died. She and colleagues founded the New York Infirmary for Women and Children (1857).
1913May 31The 17th Amendment to the Constitution, providing for the popular election of U.S. senators, was declared in effect.
1915May 31A German LZ-38 Zeppelin made an air raid on London.
1925May 31Julian Beck, theater manager, was born.
1926May 31Portuguese president Bernardino Machedo resigned after coup.
1928May 31The first flight over the Pacific took off from Oakland. Charles Kingsford-Smith & Charles Ulm departed from Oakland, Ca., and arrived in Australia on June 9.
1930May 31Clint Eastwood, actor and director, was born was born in SF and went to high school in Oakland. He became famous for his “Dirty Harry” films and “Spaghetti Westerns.” A biography: “Clint Eastwood,” by Richard Schickel was published in 1996 and made into a TV documentary in 1997.
1935May 31In Quetta, India, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake killed some 50,000 people.
1937May 31German battleships shelled Almeria, Spain.
1938May 31Peter Yarrow, (Peter, Paul & Mary-Puff the Magic Dragon), was born in NYC.
1939May 31Terry Waite, Anglican Church envoy, Lebanese hostage, was born.
1940May 31British General Bernard Montgomery left Dunkirk. The French government allowed French soldiers to be picked up at Dunkirk.
1942May 31Luftwaffe bombed Canterbury.
1943May 31Joe Namath, NFL QB (NY Jets), $400,000 man (1969 Superbowl), was born in PA.
1952May 31In San Francisco the first Golden Gate Park Road Race was held with some 60 cars vying for first place. The races continued again in 1953 and ended in 1954.
1953May 31V.I. Tatlin (b.1885), Ukrainian-born painter and sculptor, died in Moscow.
1955May 31Supreme Court ordered that states must end racial segregation “with all deliberate speed.”
1961May 31South Africa became an independent republic.
1969May 31John Lennon and Yoko Ono recorded “Give Peace a Chance” during their “Bed-In” at the Queen Elizabeth’s Hotel in Montreal.
1974May 31Israel and Syria signed an agreement on the Golan Heights.
1976May 31Martha Mitchell, the estranged wife of former Attorney General John N. Mitchell, died in New York.
1977May 31The trans-Alaska oil pipeline was completed after three years of work.
1979May 31Zimbabwe proclaimed its independence.
1985May 31At least 41 tornadoes hit Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and southeastern Ontario, Canada, during an eight-hour period killing 88 people with over 1,000 injured.
1987May 31Addressing AIDS research supporters in Washington, D.C., President Reagan called “for urgency, not panic,” but drew scattered boos when he announced he would seek expanded testing for the disease.
1989May 31Pres. G.W. Bush met with Chancellor Kohl and addressed the citizens of Mainz, Germany. He offered Germany a “partnership in leadership.”
1990May 31Seinfeld, starring Jerry Seinfeld, debuted on NBC.
1991May 31US Federal health officials announced a new Medicare fee schedule
1992May 31“Crazy for You” was named Broadway’s best musical at the Tony Awards; “Dancing at Lughnasa” was named best play.
1993May 31President Clinton paid a Memorial Day visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where some in the crowd jeered him for avoiding military service. “Disagreement is freedom’s privilege,” Clinton exhorted critics.
1995May 31President Clinton declared he was ready to permit the temporary use of American ground forces in Bosnia to help UN peacekeepers move to safer positions if necessary.
1997May 31Pope John Paul II began an 11-day tour of his native Poland, his seventh visit since assuming the papacy.
1998May 31Pres. Clinton endorsed additional conditional financial support for Russia from the IMF and World Bank.
1999May 31During a Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery, President Clinton asked Americans to reconsider their ambivalence about Kosovo, calling it “a very small province in a small country. But it is a big test of what we believe in.”
2000May 31Pres. Clinton proposed to EU allies in Portugal to share key technology on a US missile defense program to calm fears of a nuclear arms race that would leave Europe vulnerable.
2001May 31Veteran FBI agent Robert Hanssen pleaded innocent to charges of spying for Moscow. He later changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.
2002May 31Vermont Gov. Howard Dean filed papers with the Federal Election Commission for “Dean for America” presidential-campaign organization.
2003May 31President Bush visited the site of the Nazi death camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau in Poland as he challenged allies to overcome their bitterness and mistrust over the Iraq war and unite in the struggle against terrorism.
2004May 31In Memorial Day tributes, President Bush declared that “America is safer” because of its fighting forces while Sen. John Kerry visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
2005May 31Vanity Fair Magazine revealed that W. Mark Felt (91), former FBI official, was the Watergate whistleblower Deep Throat, who helped bring down Pres. Nixon in 1974.
2006May 31The US said it would join in face-to-face talks with Iran over its disputed nuclear program if Tehran first agreed to put challenged atomic activities on hold; Iran dismissed the offer as “a propaganda move.”
2007May 31President Bush, under international pressure to take tough action against global warming, called for a world summit to set a long-term global strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
2008May 31FDIC bank regulators took over the First Integrity Bank in Staples, Minnesota. This was the 4th FDIC-insured bank to fail this year.
2009May 31Afghan and NATO troops killed 18 Taliban militants after insurgents attacked a joint patrol in Farah province.
2010May 31The US Congress allowed emergency health care assistance for unemployed workers to expire, and seemed unwilling to renew it despite pleas from Pres. Barack Obama.
2011May 31Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed legislation requiring all adult applicants for cash benefits from the state welfare system to be tested for drugs. The next day the ACLU sued to stop implementation of the legislation.
2012May 31A US federal appeals court in Boston declared that the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to married gay couples, a groundbreaking ruling all but certain to wind up before the US Supreme Court.
2013May 31In Arizona two small planes collided near Phoenix killing all four people aboard.
2014May 31US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel warned an international security conference at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore that the US “will not look the other way” when nations such as China try to restrict navigation or ignore international rules and standards.
 Source: Timelines of History  

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