The home is the bedrock of a society. A successful home doesn’t just happen, it is built. A Home is more than just a roof above one’s head. A home is a secure place where you are free to enjoy your life and fulfil your potential. It is a place to be better and not to be bitter.Characteristics Of A Home
- A home should provide adequate privacy and space
- A home should provide security
- A should provide a healthy environment
- A home should provide links to a community. A home should allow you to form relationships and links to the wider community.
- It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a Home
- A house is made of walls and beams, while a home is built with love and dreams
- A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.
- A house is a structure, but a home is the people who live in the house and make it safe and a pleasant place to be.
- A home does not have to be a house, it can be any place in the world. A home is a place of love, belonging and happiness. A house is a building which accommodates you- it is just a building and you do not necessarily care about it. It takes a lot of love, care and affection in a house in order to turn it into a home.
- The Husband- The husband is the head of the home and should love his wife sacrificially. He should make her better and not bitter.
- The Wife- the wife should love and submit to her husband. Submission does not mean you are inferior; rather, it is a position of power.
- Marriage Maintenance- This entails commitment, communication, companionship and control. Marriage is teamwork. No single party can do it alone without the support of the other. There is a need for synergy in marriage in order to make the relationship blissful and pleasurable.
- Children- children need companionship, confidence, discipline and respect. Confidence and trust should be instilled in children from an early age. They should be encouraged to derive their identity from God and not in fleeting things like the kind of shoes and clothes they wear or school they attend etc. Discipline should be done creatively and should be commensurate to the offence. Children should be taught to respect themselves and others regardless of class, creed or gender.
- What makes you happy? What those things in life that put a smile on your face and get you through your difficult days?
- What makes us fulfilled? What are those things in life that bring us the most satisfaction and leave us with the feeling of completeness?
- What do we want for ourselves and for our family? What are our hopes, dreams, aspirations not only for our family, but for ourselves as well?
- Create special moments
- Express affection
- Hug more
- Show interest in one another
- Appreciate one another
- Create a friendly and safe environment
- Listen to one another
- Dance and play music together
- Acknowledge one another
- Remember the extras
- Pamper one another
- Play together
- Communicate openly
- Share and read stories together
- Relax and enjoy one another
- Cook together
- Celebrate art
- Reinforce the ‘I love you’ by saying it often.
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