Agusto leads 12-member Lagos economic team

Renowned accoun­tant and financial expert, Dr Bode Agusto is to spearhead a 12-member economic advisory committee set up by the Lagos State Gov­ernment to drive and im­prove the business envi­ronment and advance the economic development of the State.Announcing this yes­terday after the State Ex­ecutive Council meeting at the Lagos House, Alau­sa, Ikeja, the Secretary to the State Government, Mr Tunji Bello, said: “The Economic Advisory Team is expected to bring an in­dependent perspective to economic and business is­sues with the primary role of offering advice to the State Government for the purposes of fostering and advancing economic and business opportunities; provide an effective mech­anism for engaging the private sector on matters relating to economic de­velopment of the State as well as provide advice and strategic direction along the lines of the Lagos State Development Plan.”The Economic team is saddled with the re­sponsibility of specifically advising on the overall finance strategy to bridge the massive infrastructure gap in the state; analysing any issue, economic or otherwise, referred to it by the Governor and to act as champions for certain initiatives.The SSG stated that it had become imperative, especially in this period of strong economic ”˜head winds’ for the government to better engage the pri­vate sector to get indepen­dent views on economic and business issues in de­livering the government’s mandate to the people.Source: The Authority

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