Here’s the testimony of how a baby boy was healed of Alexander Disease
On September 4th of this year I took my son Joseph to the Children’s Hospital because his pediatrician thought he had pyloric stenosis (which they told me was a simple procedure) because my son Joseph had stopped eating.
Joseph had severe inflammation of the brain that only got worse with each MRI accompanied by electrographic seizures that were detected from hours and hours of EEG readings.
After countless tests, 4 spinal taps, 3 MRI’s, Steroids, IVIG, 3 Rounds of Antibiotics and Antiviral Medications, 4 Blood Transfusions and a Broviak Line inserted in his chest, they decided to do a Brain Biopsy to get some answers.
Diagnosis with no known treatment
They contacted the CDC and NIH for consultations and came back to me with what at the time was a devastating diagnosis. Joseph was given the diagnosis of an incredibly rare disease called Alexander Disease.
There is no cure and no treatment and they didn’t think he would live beyond his first year of life. October 8th I was given this diagnosis and after coming across Andrews teachings and calling into the prayer line, and just seeking the Lord for answers (Because I knew that this wasn’t God. I knew that God could heal him, and so I asked myself-why wouldn’t he).
Proclaiming and speaking life
I finally decided to receive Joseph’s healing and proclaim LIFE over his life. I began to speak life and healing and wholeness and regeneration of his brain cells. I spoke to his seizures that I couldn’t see (because they weren’t physical) and I told them to GET OUT OF MY SON.
I spoke to any brain damage or malformed cells and I cast them out of my son’s body in Jesus NAME!! I spoke to Alexander Disease and Muscle Spasms, and Shaking, and Loss of Sucking Reflex And I Called out to my Father and just began to thank him for swallowing up death from this world.
From the beginning it was not so
I know that God doesn’t create babies with neonatal diseases. God doesn’t place malformed cells babies brains and I know that God doesn’t create any of us, just so that we can die in less than a year.
The enemy is a liar and he is defeated and under the feet of Jesus. I KNOW that I know that I know that I know that Joseph is Healed and I started praising God and a Peace just came over me that hasn’t left me since.
Joseph is healed
Joseph was healed on October 12th 2015. I realized that I hadn’t told anyone about the diagnosis at this time and it was now October 12th. My mom was with me when I found out, and my father drove up to the hospital that night.
So when I began to tell people about everything a few days later I would say “Well the doctors gave this diagnosis BUT JOSEPH IS HEALED!! GOD HEALED HIM!!!” I didn’t get the greatest responses from the doctors OR my friends and some of my family.
Joseph is still in the hospital and after he was healed nothing really changed. He was still on a very high dose of sedation medications (which they are now weaning off) as well as seizure meds to control “the seizures” that are no longer happening.
Normal, healed
At this time, Joseph had a breathing tube placed in his throat. The doctors insisted on putting in a trach and a g-tube because they believe that eventually he will not be able to eat or breathe on his own.
I refused to allow them to do the surgery because my thinking was “Normal, Healed, Well babies don’t go around with Trach’s in their throat and G-Tubes in their belly.” The doctors and I didn’t see eye to eye and eventually they decided to bring in the ethics committee.
Assurance from God
I met with the ethics board a few times and with the doctors in between and they had made it clear that they were NOT going to discharge him without the trach and g-tube and that they would go so far as to get a court appointed guardian.
I was NOT moved at all. Through this entire month the Lord has spoken to me about Joseph and about what God has planned for his life. He’s even allowed me to see him at a sleep over in bunk beds with his friends and he told me personally that he would play on the High School football team. (This in particular was surely from God as I had always said that my son would never play contact sports.).
I continued to listen to Andrews teachings and then I came across healing school. I began to watch Healing school Archives, (Greg Mohr is amazing!!!!!) and more and more things began to click. I began to seek the healer instead of focusing so much on the Healing.
Fluid in the lungs
Since Joseph had this breathing tube in since October 1st, the doctors began to worry about infection and began to say things like “If you do not get this trach, your son might not make it out of this hospital” “he could get sick in his lungs” ect. Well, one day, Joseph’s doctors came in extremely worried .
His Heart rate had gone up into the 200’s sustained, his CO2 levels were in the 150’s (normal range is 35-45) and they had found a great amount of fluid in his lungs. The doctor came to me and said, “Well, this is what we were all afraid of, it’s time for you to tell us how far you want us to go with Josephs care.”
The doctor told me that the next step was to put him on what is called an oscillator machine and he mentioned that if it were his son he would just withdraw care at that point because it would be more painful than gain at that point.
One more hour
The risks were lowered blood pressure, increased heart rate, a burst lung and ultimately death. Then he said to me “You don’t have to decide right now, I’m going to give him ONE MORE HOUR, I’ll go prepare the paperwork and we will draw some more blood to check his levels. If they are the same or worse by that time, we will have no other choice but to prepare the oscillator.”
I said to myself, “One Hour, that’s way more time than God needs.” I began to fall into the word, I began to proclaim life and strength into Joseph’s lungs and I began to cast out any fear or unbelief that I may have still had.
For that entire hour I was peaceful, calm and prayed in tongues to the Holy Spirit. I knew that everything was going to be okay. After an hour the doctor came back in, and he said with the most shocked look on his face, “I really don’t know what to say or how this happened but Joseph’s CO2 Levels have dropped to the low 90’s. SO still not great but I’m willing to give it another hour.”
Do what God made you to do
So then I started speaking to the CO2 levels and I said “CO2 Levels, you do what God made you to do, you release from Joseph’s body the way you were created to. YOU CANNOT stay in my son’s body”. After the second hour, The doctor came in, say down and said “I don’t understand it but his CO2 levels are at 32!!! ” THIRTY TWO!!!
I began to praise God, and I told the Doctor “Yes, Good, I know.” There is NOTHING out of God’s reach. The enemy tried to take Joseph’s life through a disease and then that didn’t work, he tried to take him through respiratory failure and fluid in his lungs.
Since Joseph was healed I’ve been asking and begging the doctors to do another MRI and test to show them that he is healed, and they kept telling me “He isn’t healed, your son will die, and soon”. I rebuke every tongue that has spoken death over my son!
Is he still healed?
Now we are in the hospital getting reading to go to the rehab hospital next door. I ultimately got the Trach after a heated argument with one of the doctors the Lord interrupted me mid sentence and said “Is Joseph still healed even if he has a Tracheotomy?”
I said “Well, Yes”. And God simply spoke to me and told me that his promises are good and are forever and that I need to stand on those promises and trust him. The Trach and G-Tube are reversible and once the doctors see that he doesn’t need them anymore they will have no choice but to take them out.
Joseph has been in a hospital bed for 2 months, 1 month of which I could not hold him. He is only 4 months 1 week old now and at this point he’s been in the hospital for more than half of his life.
How great THOU are
I THANK GOD for healing my son, and I want everyone to know how Great God is. The Doctors, The CDC and the NIH, they are NOT bigger than God, and they do not know more than God. They still refuse to retest Joseph and all of the doctors still believe that Joseph has this disease.
But I just couldn’t wait a year to testify about Joseph’s healing because it’s happening now. I don’t need to wait and see in ONE YEAR. TWO OR THREE. I know God’s will for our lives is for us to be well, and for Joseph to be free of Disease, Seizures, Mental Retardation, and Head Botony!!
They are wrong
In The Name of Jesus, All of those names MUST Bow to the Son of God!! Everyday for about 2 weeks straight after Joseph’s healing the enemy would display AT LEAST one symptom of the disease and have at least 5 doctors come in and proclaim death over my son.
And I never let them leave without telling them they are wrong because I know what God has said in his word and to me. I thought that after a day or two I would see complete manifestation of Joseph’s healing, and to this day,
He is still weak and sleeping most of the time, BUT I KNOW what God has declared and what Christ has done. It’s a done deal. Signed, Sealed and Delivered! I don’t care what I’m looking at in the natural.
I see things happening in the spiritual realm that actually get me excited. God has given me this peace that cannot be explained. I was forced to be evaluated by the hospital psych department because they “Thought” I was in serious denial.
I just want to thank Andrew and Carlie and David, and Greg Mohr and so many others for bringing this revelation into my life through the Holy Spirit!! When Joseph is completely restored I plan to move to Colorado and attend Charis.
I actually have a bible Degree from another Christian College, but the word made clear and true in my life has changed me. I want more!!!! I know that was longer than expected but I gave the condensed version.
Source: Wommack Ministries